Adding a signature to your posts

Signatures display beneath message board posts and can also be seen in member profiles. Limited BBCode can be used to customize signature content. To begin adding a signature to your account, click the Profile button in the top menu bar, and then click the Edit Profile button on your profile page. Next, on the Edit Profile & Settings page, click the Personal tab. From there you'll find the Signature option toward the bottom of the page, and can add or modify your signature using the text box below. You are only able to type in a maximum of 500 characters into this area, unfortunately this limit cannot be adjusted at this time.

If you want to preview the signature before saving any changes, you can click the Preview link found below the signature text box and you will see a preview of your signature pop-up on the screen. If everything looks good, close the Signature Preview by clicking the x in the top-right hand corner of the pop-up box, and then click the Save Personal Settings button. After this is done, you should see your updated signature append to the posts you have made on the forum.


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